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M.E. Nava -Bringas and M.Á. Piñar Álvarez,  "¿Has oído hablar de los Objetivos para el Desarrollo Sostenible?", "La Ciencia y el Hombre" , vol.XXXV, 18-21, 2022
S. Krupnik, A. Wagner and M. Frolova Ignatieva,  "Beyond technology: A research agenda for social sciences and humanities research on renewable energy in Europe", "Energy Research & Social Science" , -, 2022
A. Caballero Calvo and J. Rodrigo Comino,  "Spatial-temporal heterogeneity of environmental factors and ecosystem functions in farmland shelterbelt systems in desert oasis ecotones", "Agricultural Water Management" , vol.274, 1-14, 2022
B. Pérez Pérez "Sustainable Tourism, Ecotourism & ECST: Sierra Nevada (Spain)", "Human Review: Revista Internacional de Humanidades" , vol.12, 1-18, 2022
A. Wojtarowski-Leal and M.Á. Piñar Álvarez,  "Perspectivas para la gestión integral de residuos sólidos urbanos en Coatepec (Veracruz, México)", "Regiones y Desarrollo Sustentable" , 1-30, 2022
D. García Álvarez, M.T. Camacho Olmedo, H. Van Delden, J. Mas and M. Paegelow ,  "Comparing the structural uncertainty and uncertainty management in four common Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) model software packages. ", "Environmental Modelling & Software" , vol.153, -, 2022
J.C. Osorio-Aravena, F.J. Rodríguez-Segura, M. Frolova Ignatieva, E. Muñóz-Cerón and J. Terrados-Cepeda,  "How much solar PV, wind and biomass energy could be implemented in short-term? A multi-criteria GIS-based approach applied to the province of Jaén, Spain", "Journal of Cleaner Production" , vol.366, -, 2022
A. Caballero Calvo "Crop residues in corn-wheat rotation in a semi-arid region increase CO2 efflux under conventional tillage but not under no-tillage system", "Pedobiologia" , vol.93, 1-11, 2022

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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